Industritaksering + Paal Smith = 🤝
Industritaksering has for a long time collaborated with Paal Smith in several large and small cases. The story goes all the way back to 1997 when a bomb exploded outside the headquarters of the Bandidos Motorcycle Club in Drammen. In the attack, several nearby buildings were damaged and destroyed, including the production company Drammens Is for which Smith was at the time head of administration and deputy managing director. The damage developed into one of Norway’s largest land-based interruption settlements at the time, and it was through this case that Industritaksering and Smith became known.
Since 1998, Smith has continued its business in accounting / finance and insurance interruptions, and has had several insurance interruption assignments for several of Norway’s largest insurance companies. He has also been a judge/appraiser of insurance interruptions. As of today, he is also a part-time controller/finance manager for a medium-sized Norwegian importer in clothing.
Industritaksering looks forward to several new good years together.