Engasjement: Eier og forsikringsselskap ønsket å engasjere en erfaren industritakstmann til å administrere og styre gjenoppbyggingen.
Skadesaken: Ørje Kornsilo og Mølle fikk en partiell skade, en vertikal produksjonslinje for pellets fòr var utbrent. Linjen gikk gjennom seks etasjer med avtrekk over tak. Det var en meget trang byggeplass og samtidig et ønske om at øvrige aktiviteter måtte gå parallelt. Tidspunktet var midt i sesong for mottak av korn. Byggesaken ble administrert i delte entrepriser. Alle byggfag var berørt. I tillegg var det en rekke maskinleverandører, hovedsakelig utenlandske, involvert. Leveringstiden på tørka var kritisk. Avbruddsdekning medførte fokus på byggetid. Avbruddstapet ble ytterligere redusert ved leieproduksjon. Kjøleren til tørka fra en leverandør i Holland ble heist på plass i uke 44. Prøveproduksjon og implementering ble gjennomført i de påfølgende fire – fem ukene. Produksjonslinjen ble formelt overtatt etter tre måneder og halvannen uke total tid.
On 22 April 2020, Nils Ivar Hole was asked to stand as an expert lay judge in Stavanger District Court.
The supplier of a new crushing plant for Norsk Stein in Jelsa, Roxel Energy AS, came into conflict with its subcontractor Aanestad Service AS. The district court needed an expert lay judge within the subject area. The case took place in Stavanger District Court in week 24 and 25.
In June 2019, a local hydrogen production plant – also used as a filling station for smaller vehicles – exploded at Kjørbo in Sandvika. In 2020, it was considered that the station should not be rebuilt. In such a situation, the insurance terms and conditions have their own rules for settlement, where the wording is «the decline in market value due to the damage». Industritaksering AS was commissioned by Gjensidige.
The offshore wind farm is upgraded so that 15 old 2.5 MW Nordex turbines are replaced with 9 new 4.2 / 4.3 MW Vesta turbines. This means new foundations and changed positions. Assessment of exploitable values of the infrastructure was needed. The assignment was given to Industritaksering AS.
TBM got a crash at the bearing 3 km inside the new tunnel at Røssåg power plant. Industritaksering AS was commissioned to investigate the cause of injury.
Industritaksering AS was commissioned to investigate the extent and cause of injury.
In its judgment of 26 June 2017, the Supreme Court granted Statnett full support. Linear principle shall be used and the courts may review how the property tax base for all facilities classified as «verk og bruk» is determined.
https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentralnettet (in Norwegian)
Statnett fikk medhold av Høyesterett (in Norwegian)
After 5 years in the judicial system, Industritaksering AS assessed the mining business of Rana Gruber, according to the main principle, technical value and the exception rule «return-based method».
Damage to windmill, ScandWind AS, Hundhammerfjellet. Assessment of loss and damage, review of causes and drafting of regress case. Evaluation of criteria for coverage under natural damage. Client: Gjensidige.
Appointment: The owner and insurance company wished to appoint an experienced industrial appraiser to administer and manage the rebuilding process.
Damage case: Ørje Kornsilo & Mølle experienced partial damage, a vertical production line for pellet feed was burnt out. The line ran through six floors with extraction above the roof. This involved an extremely narrow construction site and at the same time the company wished that other activities should continue in parallel. The incident occurred in the middle of the season for taking in corn. The construction project was administered in split contracts. All construction trades were involved. In addition, there were a number of machinery suppliers involved, mainly overseas companies. The delivery time for the dryer was critical. Coverage for process interruption led to focus on construction time. Losses for interruptions were further reduced via leased production. The cooler from the dryer from a supplier in Holland was lifted into place in week 44. Test production and implementation was carried out during the subsequent 4 to 5 weeks. The production line was formally handed over after three months and one and a half weeks in total.
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