Engasjement: Eier og forsikringsselskap ønsket å engasjere en erfaren industritakstmann til å administrere og styre gjenoppbyggingen.

Skadesaken: Ørje Kornsilo og Mølle fikk en partiell skade, en vertikal produksjonslinje for pellets fòr var utbrent. Linjen gikk gjennom seks etasjer med avtrekk over tak. Det var en meget trang byggeplass og samtidig et ønske om at øvrige aktiviteter måtte gå parallelt. Tidspunktet var midt i sesong for mottak av korn. Byggesaken ble administrert i delte entrepriser. Alle byggfag var berørt. I tillegg var det en rekke maskinleverandører, hovedsakelig utenlandske, involvert. Leveringstiden på tørka var kritisk. Avbruddsdekning medførte fokus på byggetid. Avbruddstapet ble ytterligere redusert ved leieproduksjon. Kjøleren til tørka fra en leverandør i Holland ble heist på plass i uke 44. Prøveproduksjon og implementering ble gjennomført i de påfølgende fire – fem ukene. Produksjonslinjen ble formelt overtatt etter tre måneder og halvannen uke total tid.


Valuations and technical consultancy services since 1981

Authorised by the Norwegian Surveyors and Valuers Association, Norsk Takst
Recognised European Valuer
Industritaksering is one of Norway’s leading providers of services for valuation of industrial systems, machinery and assets.

Due diligence: Norgips AS, in connection with sale

Due diligence Norgips AS, plasterboard factory sold to Knauf Gips KG c/o Danogips A/S. Client: Danogips A/S.

Valuations and technical consultancy services since 1981

Authorised by the Norwegian Surveyors and Valuers Association, Norsk Takst
Recognised European Valuer
Industritaksering is one of Norway’s leading providers of services for valuation of industrial systems, machinery and assets.

Assessment of loss and damage, and evaluation of causes: Collapse of Embra’s cement silos

Damage, collapse of Embra’s cement silo. Assessment of loss and damage, and evaluation of causes. Client: Gerling.

Valuations and technical consultancy services since 1981

Authorised by the Norwegian Surveyors and Valuers Association, Norsk Takst
Recognised European Valuer
Industritaksering is one of Norway’s leading providers of services for valuation of industrial systems, machinery and assets.

Liability damage: Train collided with snow clearing machinery

Liability damage, train collided with snow clearing machinery at Vestby station, damage to locomotive and carriages. Client: IF Skadeforsikring.

Valuations and technical consultancy services since 1981

Authorised by the Norwegian Surveyors and Valuers Association, Norsk Takst
Recognised European Valuer
Industritaksering is one of Norway’s leading providers of services for valuation of industrial systems, machinery and assets.

Value: Finse station

Value, Finse station, opening balance on establishment of new company for operations of VAR systems. Client: NSB / Selexa / Aberdeen Property Investors AS

Valuations and technical consultancy services since 1981

Authorised by the Norwegian Surveyors and Valuers Association, Norsk Takst
Recognised European Valuer
Industritaksering is one of Norway’s leading providers of services for valuation of industrial systems, machinery and assets.

Appraisal: Drammens IS, explosion

Drammens IS, explosion after an attack on Bandidos’ premises. Norway’s largest incidence of damage on the mainland. Valuation of production equipment. Client: Gjensidige.